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Celebrate local food and sustainability in action

LCF delegates are invited to savour the diverse flavours of Canada’s sixth largest city and mingle with other delegates all while enjoying live entertainment from a seven-piece jazz band on Monday, September 25.

Among other things, LCF is widely known for providing meaningful networking opportunities that allow delegates to have candid conversations, make connections, create and strengthen relationships, and build support networks. This year, we have partnered with local food trucks, wineries, breweries, and artisans to give delegates a taste of Mississaugs while celebrating local food and sustainability in action.

Suggested pairings

While delegates will discover local food during Monday’s evening reception, we would like to invite you to also discover ICLEI resources that pair well with this year’s LCF themes and sessions.

So you want to do a risk assessment? pairs well with…

Getting Started: Exploring Entry Points into Adaptation provides guidance on integrating climate change adaptation into municipal decision-making and the various entry points where this can be done (e.g., asset management, public health, land use planning, etc.).

Beyond the implementation gap: PCP Milestone 3 and 4 workshop pairs well with…

The PCP Milestone Tool is a user-friendly, web-based resource that helps municipalities quantify, monitor and manage GHG emissions at the local level. It was developed by ICLEI Canada and FCM in support of the PCP Program’s five-milestone process which includes developing inventories, targets, plans, implementation and monitoring strategies.

Local climate partnerships: A mechanism for collaborative implementation pairs well with…

Talking It Through: A Discussion Guide for Local Government Staff on Climate Adaptation assists local government staff in facilitating conversations with senior decision makers and elected officials about the implications of climate change in their local contexts.

Equity, diversity and inclusion fishbowl 2.0 pairs well with…

Equitable Climate Adaptation: Considerations for Local Governments is a resource that is intended to address the barriers preventing local governments from taking action to support climate change adaptation in a way that centers equity and community engagement.

Regular registration ends soon

Remember to register by August 20 before registration rates increase. Enjoy 3 full days of the Forum including engaging sessions, study tours, meals, and networking events.

This year’s LCF is hosted by the City of Mississauga in partnership with ICLEI Canada and the Canadian Urban Institute, and is sponsored by Co-operators. Would you like to get involved and support the Forum? Learn how you can become a sponsor.

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Contact us to learn more about our  network, services, and events.

ICLEI Canada

401 Richmond St W (Suite 204)
Toronto, ON M5V 3A8

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