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LCF 2022 will focus on equity and climate action. 

Together, we will explore the themes of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, Infrastructure for the People, and Net-Zero Communities for All throughout three days of interactive sessions, moderated discussions, study tours, and networking events.

All sessions are uniquely designed to go beyond presentation-style delivery and will include a variety of interactive elements. This year’s concurrent sessions, off-site Sessions on the Move, and Local Food celebration will offer something for everyone.

A message from the City of Victoria Mayor Lisa Helps

“The Livable Cities Forum is an opportunity for communities across Canada to come together and share knowledge and experience with each other. I look forward to welcoming you to Victoria this October for this exciting opportunity to learn from each other on how we can build resilient and sustainable cities for future generations.”

Do you have questions about the 2022 Livable Cities Forum?

Or contact Rena Viehbeck,

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