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Learn from real world examples

The LCF study tours showcase climate action in Mississauga and the neighbouring regions.

The 2023 LCF program is uniquely designed to go beyond presentation-style delivery including a full afternoon of local study tours on Day one. These allow delegates to head out of the conference center, see examples of energy transition and community projects in the real world, and talk to the people involved in their implementation. Discover the preliminary study tours and stay tuned as more will be added to the final program.

Discover the 2023 LCF study tours

Urban agriculture in action

Community garden programs contribute to community-level resilience. They also encourage active, healthy living and creating community spaces. Take a tour of several community gardens in Mississauga, hear from local gardeners, and learn about the co-benefits that emerge through unique partnerships between the City of Mississauga and local organizations and groups.

Photo credit: We Are Resilient Submission, Crystal-Zhu.

Sustainable transportation ✕ tactical urbanism

Also known as “DIY Urbanism”, “Planning-by-Doing”, or “Urban Prototyping”, tactical urbanism favours short-term, low-cost, and scalable interventions as a catalyst to long-term change. Learn how the City of Mississauga has been using this approach since 2019 to support its sustainable transportation goals with a bike tour from City Centre to the Credit Woodlands.

Public engagement through urban forest restoration

How can municipalities engage community members in climate action? Visit various parks and learn how the City of Mississauga engages community members in tree planting and invasive species control while simultaneously working to conserve, enhance and connect its wetlands, woodlands and natural areas.

Cooksville Creek stormwater management: Flood resilience and beyond

In the face of more frequent and intense extreme precipitation events, many municipalities are using stormwater management to build neighbourhood-level flood resilience. Learn how the City of Mississauga is building flood resilience and integrating stormwater infrastructure with parkland planning and development as the city continues to grow and urbanize.

At the “waterfront” of resilience

Did you know that Mississauga includes 22 km of Lake Ontario’s waterfront? This stretch of shoreline includes 26 existing and 5 planned parks that are connected by the Waterfront Trail and by Lakeshore Road. Explore Mississauga’s 26 existing and 5 planned waterfront parks and learn how the city is leading flood-resilient parks and public space redevelopment along the shores of Lake Ontario and the Credit River.

From waste to circular economy

When integrated into community systems, circular economy concepts can help achieve climate goals while also supporting social equity. But what does this look like in reality? Learn how the City of Mississauga is using circular economy concepts to manage surplus assets, reduce waste during events, and learn about several other circular economy initiatives being implemented by the municipality.

Photo credit: We Are Resilient Submission.

This year’s LCF is hosted by the City of Mississauga in partnership with ICLEI Canada and the Canadian Urban Institute, and is sponsored by Co-operators.  Click here to learn how you can become a sponsor.

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