Building Adaptive and Resilient Communities Online Tool
Building Adaptive and Resilient Communities (BARC) Online Tool
The BARC Tool is an on-line resource to support municipalities as they move through the five Milestones of the BARC Program. Designed as a user-friendly online repository of information, the Tool takes users through each of the steps of a given milestone via specific tasks required to complete each milestone. Information is saved and carried forward to subsequent tasks, with save/continue features to allow for the time needed to complete tasks. Municipalities can sign-up for an account with multiple users to allow for online collaboration and a single portal for all information related to climate change adaptation. Please contact us to learn more about the tool and how to access it.
About BARC
Many will know BARC as a national capacity building program for municipalities focused on adaptation and resilience. Well over 100 Canadian municipalities, large and small, have used BARC’s framework, tools and resources to guide their adaptation and resilience building efforts. However, BARC has grown to become much more than a program. BARC is the window through which ICLEI engages in adaptation and resilience policy development, planning, applied research, resource development, capacity building, networking and much more.
Photos: Umbrella HQ by Matej Duzel on flickr
Reach us
Suite 204
401 Richmond St. W
Toronto, ON
M5V 3A8
We respectfully acknowledge that ICLEI Canada’s work happens across Turtle Island which has traditionally been and is home to many diverse First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples since time immemorial.