healthy environment plan
city of kawartha lakes
City of Kawartha Lakes Healthy Environment Plan
In early 2019, ICLEI Canada and LURA Consulting completed the City of Kawartha Lakes’ Healthy Environment Plan (HEP). The Plan aims to reduce GHG emissions and better prepare, respond and adapt to a warmer, wetter and more unpredictable climate. In the HEP, Kawartha Lakes has identified 24 strategies to lower emissions, reduce waste, and enhance the resilience of community and City assets, human and environmental health, and the protection of vulnerable populations.
The City of Kawartha Lakes’ approach to climate action is unique for several reasons, primarily because the Healthy Environment Plan considers integrated climate action – addressing mitigation and adaptation holistically. Community involvement in the development of the plan was also notably strong. The Plan was developed collaboratively with a Steering Committee made up of staff from several City departments and local institutions, as well as a Working Group of 23 external organizations who represented cross section of local organizations and provided a broader sense of community interests and priorities. Community members also contributed throughout the planning process, providing input on the proposed vision, goals and strategies. The HEP was shaped from conversations with over 2,600 people and 40 organizations, institutions and community groups.
Photos: Mother Nature by Caribb; Gatineay park & Ottawa’s downtown trip with ISA visitors by lezumbalaberenjena