Getting Started
Exploring entry points into adaptationGetting Started: Exploring Entry Points into Adaptation
This resource provides guidance on integrating climate change adaptation into municipal decision-making and the various entry points where this can be done (e.g., asset management, public health, land use planning, etc.). The document provides you with the tools you need to effectively engage with climate adaptation in a way that suits the needs and demands of your unique community, available resources, and existing programs and initiatives.
Webinar Recording: Getting Started With Adaptation
On Tuesday, December 14, 2021, from 1:00 – 2:15 pm ET we heard from local government staff at different stages of their adaptation work share what has been effective, what challenges they have faced, and what advice they would offer others embarking on this work. Following the panel discussion and Q&A session, ICLEI Canada highlighted other resources that can help guide local governments starting their adaptation efforts including Engaging Meaningfully: Leveraging Community Engagement to Advance Implementation and Talking it Through: A Discussion Guide for Local Government Staff on Climate Adaptation.
The development of this resource was supported by the Ontario Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks and Environment and Climate Change Canada as part of the Advancing Adaptation Project. We would also like to acknowledge the municipal staff and subject matter experts who generously shared their time and knowledge to help shape this resource.
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Suite 204
401 Richmond St. W
Toronto, ON
M5V 3A8
We respectfully acknowledge that ICLEI Canada’s work happens across Turtle Island which has traditionally been and is home to many diverse First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples since time immemorial.