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community climate adaptation plan

region of waterloo

Region of Waterloo Community Climate Adaptation Plan (BARC Program)

We are currently working with the Region of Waterloo to complete a Community Climate Adaptation Plan (CCAP). Carried out through  the Building Adaptive and Resilient Communities (BARC) Program, the CCAP is a regionally-led, community supported initiative that will determine how various organizations and stakeholders in Waterloo Region will adapt to climate change. The project includes extensive engagement with community stakeholders, including core organizations such as the four area municipalities and the Conservation Authority, the University of Waterloo, Reep Green Solutions, Public Health Unit, etc. as well as a number of social service providers, local businesses, and the agricultural community.

We have worked with the Region to developed tailored engagement activities for these stakeholders, in order to collect feedback and expertise on climate change impacts, vulnerability and risk assessments, as well as possible adaptation actions to improve resiliency. Engagement methods have ranged from formalized workshops with the Region’s Expert Task Force, meetings with specific subject-matter experts, public forums, online surveys, and Workshops-in-a-Box. The plan is expected to be completed by Fall 2019.


Photos: Waterloo Village by Jim Lukach; Handful of hail, 1015 am, April 10th Waterloo by Andrea Williams flickr