second barc impact report
Building Adaptive and Resilient Communities Impact Report #2
What a difference a year can make! Since ICLEI Canada produced its first 2018 BARC Impact Report we have seen tremendous growth in the field of adaptation and resilience building. Preparing our communities for a changing climate is no longer a niche activity reserved for climate scientists, policy makers and municipal planners. It has become mainstream, engaging citizens and professionals from all disciplines and in all types of communities.
Consensus among leading scientists from around the world is that we have 11 years to act before irreversible damage from climate change will occur, and we are happy to report that Canadian communities are taking up the call like never before. While recognizing these advancements as important and necessary milestones, we cannot become complacent. Patting ourselves on the back for recognizing a problem does not build our adaptive capacity or reduce our risk. However, steadfast implementation, refinement and course correction of our adaptation and resilience plans and strategies will.
As ICLEI reflects on the work of BARC and we set our sights to the future, we know that a steadfast commitment to implementation is the beacon that will guide us through the years ahead.
Photos: Maridav from Canva