The adaptation library
The Adaptation Library
The Adaptation Library is a publicly accessible and searchable collection of community, forestry, and energy related adaptation resources. The goal of the Library is to connect community and industry users with relevant information related to climate change adaptation in Canada and abroad.
The Library contains approximately 450 community adaptation, forestry, and energy-related resources. The resources included in the Library range from conference announcements, informational pamphlets, case studies, scientific reports, websites – and everything in between. The resources have all been reviewed using validation frameworks that examined their sustainability, clarity, participatory processes, locality, and replicability. These frameworks are meant to guide users of the Library on when, where, and how products might fit their climate change adaptation needs.
The Library is designed to be evolving and interactive, and includes features such as a user upload function, search criteria, and rating and review features which allows users to give feedback on how helpful they found the resource to be. The updated “My Library” feature now allows users to create a login profile and save various resources in their folder to access and consult at a later date.
Decision-support tool
Photos: Green Grass with Water Droplets by Pixabay on pexels; Adaptation Library