tackling energy poverty

through climate mitigation

Webinar: Tackling Energy Poverty through
Climate Mitigation

Energy poverty and inequitable energy access are vital issues to consider, plan for, and take action on as part of our climate change efforts. This webinar focused on how energy poverty and solutions have manifested in communities across Canada. Speakers explored examples and provided practical approaches of how governments can integrate energy poverty and access considerations into their plans and policies. Participants received a demonstration and learn about the new Energy Poverty and Equity Explorer Tool, and speakers from across the country discussed how their communities are helping to alleviate these issues through, or as a result of, climate action planning.


  • Allison Ashcroft, Managing Director, Canadian Urban Sustainability Practitioners (CUSP)
  • Leigh-Ann Williams-Jones, Clean Energy Coordinator, Inuvialuit Regional Corporation
  • Nelson Nolan, Junior Planner, Town of Bridgewater

Dec 17, 2019 01:00 PM in Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Photos: Earth Night Lights by pixabay