Climate Change Games

Climate Change Games

Climate Change Games Climate Change Games We have a suite of games to educate and prepare communities for our changing climate. Designed to engage and educate on practical actions that can be taken to make an individuals’ home and neighbourhood more resilient to...
Resiliency Cards

Resiliency Cards

Resiliency cards Resiliency Cards A take on the age-old trump card style of game, Resiliency Cards aims to show participants that there are a myriad of actions that can be taken to address climate change impacts. While some actions are more effective than others...
Get Ready Game

Get Ready Game

Get Ready Game Get Ready GameGet Ready! The Game of Home Hazard Preparedness is an engaging mobile game created by ICLEI Canada in partnership with Co-operators. The game is designed to educate homeowners, youth, and residents about the impacts of natural hazards and...


Games Educating and engaging communities through resilience     We have a suite of games to educate and prepare communities for our changing climates. Designed to engage and educate on practical actions that can be taken to make their homes and...