Community Energy and GHG Reduction Plan
city of barrieCity of Barrie Community Energy and GHG Reduction Plan
ICLEI-Canada and LURA Consulting are currently working with the City of Barrie to develop a Community Energy and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Reduction Plan. The project includes comprehensive public and stakeholder engagement that will guide the plan’s vision, inform strategy development, and support the long-term success of the project. A baseline GHG emissions inventory that satisfies the requirements of the Partners for Climate Protection (PCP) Protocol and the Global Protocol for Community-Scale Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GPC) will be produced. The completed plan will include strategies to implement community-wide energy efficiency and conservation, low-carbon energy technologies, and climate mitigation initiatives while also promoting economic development and energy security in the community. Energy mapping that shows how and where energy is used throughout the city will be created which will also inform the measures recommended in the plan. The project will meet the requirements of both Ontario’s Municipal Energy Plan (MEP) program as well as the first three milestones of the PCP program.
Contact for more information about this project.
Photos: Driving on the highway and chasing the gold colours of Fall, Muskoka, Ontario, Canada, (Roland, AdobeStock); City in the Snow (Henneberry, Sheldon, Adobe stock)