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Canadian adaptation Case Studies database

Adaptation Case Studies Database

In partnership with the Climate Risk Institute and the Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction, ICLEI Canada worked with the Canadian Centre for Climate Services to develop a catalogue of adaptation case studies from across Canada. The intent of the database is to connect community adaptation practitioners with relevant information related to climate change adaptation in Canada, with a focus on implementation details, where possible.

The database contains approximately 185 adaptation case studies that offer tangible, on-the-ground adaptation options, while also providing a cross-sector perspective on adaptation in Canada (e.g., industry, business, energy, community, Indigenous communities). Once officially launced, users will be able to search for adaptation case studies that suit their particular needs based on location, climate impacts, sector, adaptation stage, adaptation actions, and more!

The expected launch date for the database is early 2021. For more information on this project please contact Ewa Jackson, Managing Director, ICLEI Canada,


Photos: Cover photo by Lorna R on Flickr and Urban Wetlands photo by TTM Images PDX on Flickr