Exploring climate change adaptation and mitigationFinding the Nexus: Exploring Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation
As we advance in our understanding of climate change and our role in a solution, local climate change strategies no longer focus on emissions reduction or adaptation alone. Both mitigation and adaptation are crucial components of a comprehensive climate action plan. This Nexus document briefly describes climate change mitigation and adaptation planning; discusses opportunities for local governments to integrate adaptation and mitigation efforts; provides examples of measures that address both; and highlights synergies between adaptation and mitigation measures, as well as potential contradictions. Mitigation and adaptation are not mutually exclusive and should be seen as a two-pronged approach to managing the short and long-term disturbances to the climate.
Adaptation and mitigation
Informational resource
Photos: Close up Photography of Leaves with Droplets by Sohail Na on pexels; ICLEI Canada