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Introducing the Cost of Doing Nothing Toolbox

Webinar: Introducing the Cost of Doing Nothing Toolbox

November 16, 2022 | 1:00 to 2:30 pm ET |  Online  

This webinar introduces the Cost of Doing Nothing (CODN) Toolbox, which was developed to help local decision makers weigh the costs of action versus inaction when investing in climate action.

While the mounting costs of climate change presents a serious fiscal and logistical challenge for municipalities, justifying the investment in adaptation measures can be difficult for municipalities whose budgets and capacities are already stretched. However, without immediate action, these costs will only increase and threaten to consume funds and resources needed for maintaining and operating critical services and addressing existing and emerging priorities. Building a business case for adaptation will help local decision makers understand what is at stake and support municipal adaptation planning.

Presentations and webinar replay

Learn how to use the CODN Toolbox to build a local business case for climate adaptation and how the City of Windsor and the City of Hamilton developed local business cases for their municipalities.

The full webinar recording is also available to replay.

CODN Toolbox

Access the CODN Toolbox which includes key documents, tools, case studies, and appendices to provide municipalities the tools to assess the costs of doing nothing within a local context, and makes building a business case for climate adaptation as easy and simple as possible.

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