
Educating and engaging communities through resilience



We have a suite of games to educate and prepare communities for our changing climates. Designed to engage and educate on practical actions that can be taken to make their homes and neighbourhoods more resilient to the impacts of climate change, the games provide a lot of information in a fun package. Our games are proudly supported by The Co-operators and were tested by our community networks across Canada! 

Get Ready! Mobile App

Get Ready! The Game of Home Hazard Preparedness is an engaging mobile game created by ICLEI Canada in partnership with The Co-operators. Great for the classroom or community engagements, the game is playable on mobile devices and through any web broswer. 

Resilience Cards

A take on the age-old trump card style of game, Resiliency Cards aims to show participants that there are myriad actions that can be taken to address climate change events and impacts. It’s a great way to learn about the impacts of climate change and actions that you can take to prepare, without needing to read a dry pamphlet or textbook! 

Downspouts and Ladders

A new spin on the classic Snakes & Ladders, Downspouts & Ladders drives home the message that some of the negative impacts of climate change can be addressed by taking steps to prepare in advance. Choosing to proactively address impacts by preparing can help to make you, your home, or your neighbourhood more resilient and have long-term benefits! However, choosing not to prepare (i.e. relying on reactive actions) can be detrimental… 

Adaptation Projects

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Reach us

Contact us to learn more about our  network, services, and events.

ICLEI Canada

401 Richmond St W (Suite 204)
Toronto, ON M5V 3A8

+1 647 728 4308

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